Monday, September 17, 2012

My part of the presentation

                                  Writing in a Business orTechnical Setting

          My name is Gabin Tene and I'am going for mechanical engineering. Writing about this topic will be a great benefit skillswise because engineers are most of the time asked to write technical reports. A great example to come up with would be for instance, a car company (Mazda) would like to get some specific steels from another company (US steel) in order to manufacture cars frame. One of the engineers from the Mazda company is then asked to write a report concerning the exact steel specifition they want the contractor (US Steel) to manufacture. Meaning that the report should include maximum shear force and Strength the steel must support, temperature the steels must support when exposed to either hot or cold temperature, and many other specification.
          After the report is done, It come now to the contractor to follow step by step the specifications on the report during the manufacture of the steels. If there are mistakes or on the report, the manufacturer could wrongly manufacture the product. And this will cost a lot for the company.

          That's some of the reasons why writing a technical report is very important for me.


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