Monday, October 15, 2012

essay on challenges and benefits of interviewing an international


           Countries could be different in term of language, culture, religion, education, and many other aspects. This is why interviewing someone from a country different than yours could be challenging, and beneficial at the same.
          Concerning the challenge in interviewing an international, there are some issues that come into it Such as language conflict. Not be able to clearly understand someone else’s saying is not very beneficial for the interviewer. This could be due to the interviewer being not familiar with the accent or could be due to the interviewee not being able to clearly speak the interviewer’s language. There can also be an excessive talking coming from the interviewer side.  The excessive talking could either be too many information at a time or too many info that is not related to the question being asked. Another challenge would be an improper question to ask coming from the interviewer. Some people sometime feel very uncomfortable talking about certain things regarding their countries or themselves. Honesty could also be a pretty big challenge when interviewing not only an international but anyone. Since you are interviewing someone from a different country that you have no clue of who exactly he is, and trying to get important information from him should be a very huge hope in making sure to get the right information. Not recording information is very challenging as well because It is important to write down very important keys information possible in order to have it as a backup in case you forget. Also bad initial introduction from either could result in bad verbal interaction during the interview.
                Regarding the advantages in interviewing an international, you can easily obtain detailed information about personal feelings, perceptions and opinions, allow more detailed to be asked. Because this gives to the interviewer, the possible to clarify all types of questions and thoughts he had concerning the country.  The Interviewer gets a better understanding on the culture, education and other aspect according to the type of information he or she is seeking.


reference cite for strength and weaknesses of the team


Monday, October 8, 2012

3 favorite picked countries

      I first pick Japan because they have the most successful Car industries in the world. Since I'am going for mechanical and specicaly want to be a design engineer, I think learning or having an experiemce with the type of system they adopt for their companies could be very beneficial for me in the future.

     I secondly pick Germany for pretty much the same reasons I pick japan. both countries have an excellent system that enable car industries to be successful. The other reason I pick Germany is because I have 02 sisters and a brother that lives there, so it will be pretty easier for me to assimilate

    Saudi Arabia is my third choice because I do have a lot of Saudi friends, so I wouldn't mind living there and explore a new culture.

interview objectives

My statement of purpose is to learn, understand, and be able to put into practice the elements of an interview.
Interviews objectives are:

-Strength and accomplishements
-Being able to evaluate level of motivation, value, attitude and personality.
-potential could fit well with the company environment.

Monday, October 1, 2012

5 books description.

       "Battle field of england" is a book that tell stories about war that happened in England during the medival era. To be brief, the book describes the type of person the general was during the war. The book was writen by Lieutenant Colonel Alfred H. Burne and was published in 1950 then reprinted in 1973 by Meuthen and Company in London as well as Barnes and Nobles in New York

         "MASH" is a book about an army surgeon in Korea. "The antiwar, antiestablishement attitudes of the day, M*A*S*H became a a household word." The book was printed by two brothers in 1998 in the city of Lexington Kentucky. The printer of the book was The University Press of Kentucky.

         "Why Africa Matters" is a book about that talks about african "politics, religion, culture, race and many more." It was printed by Orbis Books in Maryknoll,New York in 2010.

          "Knights of the Crusades"  gives a history of the crusades and the men who fought in the wars which lasted over 200 years. talks about how a men who crusaded were deeply rooted in the christian faith and many of them flowed the Pope's word to the core. The book was printed by Harper & Row Publishers in the city of New York City in 1965.

         "Alexander The Great" is a book about romain culture. Basically it is about  "the rise to power Alexander went through was a bloody one, he took out all competitors that stood in his way. the gaining of power lead to Alexanders conquest in asia." The book was printed by   Blackwell publishing ltd in the city of Singapore in 2009.